Simple Share - Social Media

Demo page


Lightweight share buttons! There is so much to share!


  • Sort the buttons as you wish
  • Customizable button text
  • Customizable target option
  • Easy to install
  • Well documented
  • Responsive compatible

How to Setup

Find the Wonderful Share element from the "Visual Elements" tab and put it anywhere on the page.
Image without caption
Customize it and publish it!

Frequently Asked Questions

When I click the Share on Facebook button, the text is gone

The Facebook platform doesn’t support the automatic share of links with a description, that’s why we can share links, but not with a description embedded by default.
See reference here:
Solution & documentation from Facebook: no more “quote” parameter available for usage.

Can the sharing to Instagram be added to your plugin?

Regretfully, there is no possibility to add an Instagram share link. This is due to the Instagram platform restrictions.
Instagram doesn't provide a direct URL scheme for posting content or sharing to a feed like Twitter does with its tweet intent URL. The platform is primarily designed for use via its mobile app or the official website, and it focuses on visual content, which requires a different approach than text-based platforms. For regular users looking to share content on Instagram, the primary method remains to use the Instagram app or website, where you can upload photos, videos, and stories directly. There's no simple web-based URL endpoint that allows for the direct posting of content to Instagram like there is for tweeting on Twitter.

LinkedIn sharing not working on my end

Regretfully, LinkedIn Personal doesn’t allow sharing links with subdomains. When a link is shared with the main domain only in the URL, all works fine, but when the link includes a subdomain, an error on the LinkedIn side is dropped.
This error appears due to the LinkedIn platform restrictions. Currently, we cannot do much in this regard, but we are closely following this topic to see if any solution becomes available.
Have a question, or suggestion, or encountered an issue? 🤷‍♂️ Please contact us by sending an email to:
Want to report a bug? Please follow this guideline!