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The All-In-One SEO Plugin for Bubble!
SEO, or search engine optimization, is important because it is one of the best ways to ensure that your website will be found by potential customers.
By optimizing your website for search engines, you can make sure that your site will appear near the top of the search results pages, which will help you to attract more visitors.


  • prevent pages from being indexed
  • mark pages as canonical
  • add structured data (schema markup) to your page
  • Configure Language-specific versions of a site

How to Setup

After installing the plugin you will have access to various plugin elements. You can drag each element onto the current page to apply it:
  • Settings: Configure general settings and technical SEO
  • Localization: Configure different language versions of the current page
  • Structured data: add different types of structured data to your pages to get a chance to be displayed as rich snippets.
We highly recommend watching our setup video!

Frequently Asked Questions

Need a new structured data type by far: Sitelink. Can you all add the structured data for events?

Unfortunately, sitelinks cannot be added as meta tags or tags to your site/page.
It is not possible to directly add metatags specifically to generate sitelinks in search engine results. Sitelinks are automatically generated by search engines like Google based on their algorithms, which consider factors like site structure, navigational clarity, and the relevance of pages.
These algorithms decide which links might be useful to display under your site's main search result to help users navigate your site more effectively.
Instead of metatags, your focus should be on optimizing your website's overall structure and content:
  • Clear Navigation and Hierarchy: Ensure your website has a clear, logical structure with easy-to-navigate menus.
  • Quality Content: Provide high-quality, relevant content on your pages which clearly indicates the purpose of each page.
  • Internal Linking: Use internal links wisely to help establish an information hierarchy and to distribute page authority across your site.
  • Sitemaps and Breadcrumbs: Submit updated sitemaps to search engines and implement breadcrumb navigation to help search engines understand the layout of your site.
These practices can improve your website's overall SEO and increase the likelihood of search engines generating sitelinks for your site, enhancing user navigation and potentially driving more traffic.
Have a question, or suggestion, or encountered an issue? 🤷‍♂️ Please contact us by sending an email to:
Want to report a bug? Please follow this guideline!