Embed Google Sheets

Demo page


Embed your Google Sheets into your Bubble application and allow your users to directly access and edit them.


We pushed an update for our Google Sheet Embed plugin that added a new element, that now allows users to show 1 tab from non-editable spreadsheets.
For a proper setup, please be sure to do the following steps:
  • https://prnt.sc/DaBpBNk8KnHQ
  • here you can choose to show only a selected sheet: https://prnt.sc/dT3jgq5X_tEl
  • then hit publish, and use document ID in the new element https://prnt.sc/ppWE8njRYJXe
  • id you can grab from the editor URL https://prnt.sc/efoUZWLVNQwe
  • and the result is only selected sheet to be visible https://prnt.sc/UDr_kCd9TW7z

How to Setup

Drag the Element onto your page and specify the sheet id.
Image without caption
You can find the sheet ID within the URL of the sheet. Make sure to make the link of the google sheet shareable if you want everyone to be able to access it.

Frequently Asked Questions

I was wondering whether it is possible or not to actually use the sheet in Bubble. Saving things in the database, or even modifying things in the sheet, besides visualizing.

Our plugin comes with two elements, "Embed Sheet" which can be used for visualization and editing (but you can not hide other document sheets), and "Embed Sheet (View)" which allows only certain sheet's visualization, with no possibility to edit the document content.
Have a question, or suggestion, or encountered an issue? 🤷‍♂️ Please contact us by sending an email to: support@rapidevelopers.com
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