Toast Notifications

Demo page


This plugin allows you to add beautiful toast notifications to your bubble app.
You can choose between an Error, Success, Info, and Warning Notification style.
You can also specify the duration, the title, and the content, show a progress bar, and add a close button.
You can also close all notifications at once within a workflow.


How to Setup

Drag the Toast Notifications Element onto your Bubble page. You can trigger a new notification by using the "Trigger" action within your workflows.
Image without caption
Simply specify the notification type, content, type (optional), duration, progress bar, and close button.
You can also close all notifications by using the "Remove All" element action within your workflows.

Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question, or suggestion, or encountered an issue? 🤷‍♂️ Please contact us by sending an email to:
Want to report a bug? Please follow this guideline!

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