
  • Index → The page where the video contents are listed
  • Account → The page where the user can manage their email, password and subscription
  • Admin → The page where the admin can add content, see the dashboard, send notifications, change account information
  • Landing → Landing page for new users
  • Login → Page for logging in, registering and subscribing
  • My List → The page that lists the content that the profile has added to its list
  • Popular → The page where the most liked content is listed
  • Privacy → Page with privacy policy and terms of use
  • Profile → Add a new profile or edit an existing profile page
  • Watch → The page where the video content is watched
  • Reset Pw → Password reset page
  • 404 → Redirect page in page not found state

Reusable Elements

  • Content Slider → Page listing content with Wonderful Video & Image Slider
  • Delete A Thing → Popup to confirm the data to be deleted
  • Footer → Group with page redirects
  • Header → Group containing page redirects, content search box, and notifications
  • Icon - Add to List → Icon for adding content to the list
  • Icon - Like → Icon for like content
  • Icon - Play → Icon for start watching content
  • Popup Content Details → Popup with details of the content