This section consists of Database Things and fields description for every thing which is part of the template.
To get to the Data section, click the database icon on the left side tabs in Bubble Editor.
See Bubble manual information when working with data:;
Data Types
Note: In case you have accidentally deleted a data type - no worries! Bubble lets you restore💪the deleted data type.
Clicking on ‘show deleted types’ or ‘show deleted fields’ from the Data → Data types tab will reveal the deleted items, and a ‘restore’ button will appear next to each deleted entry. Simply click ‘restore’, to restore a field or data type.
Tip: Aside from the below-listed data types and fields, Bubble creates these default fields visible in each data type:
, Modified Date
, Created Date
and Slug
, except for the User data type.
The User data type will have the following fields: email
, Modified Date
, Created Date
and Slug
.These fields’ values can be used in workflows, conditional formatting, etc. To learn more, see the Bubble manual
This object represents an answer to a question from a project. Upon creating a project, the employer might choose some questions to be answered by freelancers.
When a freelancer applies for the job they have to submit their answers, that’s when the
object is created. It comes with the following fields:
Field Name | Type | Notes |
Answer | text | This is the question’s answer. |
Question | Questions | This is the question itself. |
This object contains details about a conversation between an employer and a freelancer. It is composed of
and Users
. It comes with the following fields:
Field Name | Type | Notes |
messages | List of Messages | A list of messages that form the conversation. |
users | List of Users | The list of users that take part to this conversation. It is composed of Messages and Users. |
This object contains information about the professional studies of a freelancer.
It comes with the following fields:
Field Name | Type | Notes |
areaOfStudy | text | Specifies the area of the study. |
educationDegree | text | Specifies the degree that the freelancer got after graduation. |
educationDescription | text | The description of the study. |
educationFrom | number | Specifies when the freelancer started this study. |
educationTo | number | Specifies when the freelancer ended this study. |
school | text | Specifies the school where the freelancer attended for this study. |
This object contains information about the payment made for a project. It is created when an employer hires a freelancer with the money landing on the platform account.
Tip: Upon the employer’s approval of job completion, the money will be transferred to the freelancer’s Stripe account and the project will become completed.
It comes with the following fields:
Field Name | Type | Notes |
Amount | number | Specifies the invoice’s amount. |
Completed | yes / no | Specifies if the invoice is completed. It becomes completed when freelancer is getting paid. |
Date Invoiced | date | Specifies the date when invoice was issued. |
Date Received | date | Specifies the date when invoice was completed. |
Freelancer | User | Specifies the freelancer that was hired for the project and is supposed to receive the payment. |
Job | Job | Specifies the job for which the invoice was issued. |
PaymentID | text | Stores the Stripe payment ID of the charge. Can be used for refunds. |
platformCommission | number | Stores the platform commission. |
This object contains information about the projects that are created on the platform. Projects are created by the employer, and freelancers can apply for them or they can get invited.
It comes with the following fields:
Field Name | Type | Notes |
AdditionalSkills | List of Tags | A list of tags that describe the overall category type of the project. |
AdditionalSkillsText | text | A list of tags that describe the overall category type of the project in a text format. Makes it easier for searching. |
AmountEarned | jobPostAmountEarned | Specifies the desired amount earned that freelancer should have in order to apply for the job. |
AvailableCountries | List of Countries | Specifies the countries from which the freelancers should be from when applying for the job. |
AvailableLanguages | List of Language Types | Specifies the languages the freelancer should be able to work with in order to apply for the job. |
Category | Category | Specifies the job Category for the project. |
Category Type | categoryType | Specifies the job subcategory for the project. |
Completed | yes / no | Specifies if the job is completed. |
conversation | List of Messages | The conversation between the employer and hired freelancer. |
Description | text | The description for the job. |
ExpertiseLevel | ExpertiseLevel | Specifies the type of freelancers based on expertise the employer is looking for. |
filledJobPostMenuItems | List of jobPostMenuItems | This field stores all the steps the employer has completed when creating the job. It helps to understand at what step he left so he can continue from there. |
FreelancerType | FreelancerType | Specifies the type of freelancer the employer is looking for. |
FullPrice | number | Specifies the budget for the project. |
HiredFreelancer | User | Stores the freelancer that was hired for the project. |
Invoice | Invoice | The invoice that was created when starting the job. Used when paying the freelancer upon finishing the job. |
LanguageLevel | Language Proficiency | Specifies the level of English of freelancers the employer is looking for. |
Offers | List of jobOffers | A list of invitations and offers created by employer and freelancers that are related to this project. |
PaymentType | paymentType | Specifies the type of payment for the job. One of per hour or fixed type. |
Photos | List of images | A list of images regarding the job. |
PostBudgetType | JobPostBudgetType | Specifies the budget range of the project. |
PostProjectExpectedDuration | jobPostProjectExpectedDuration | Specifies the time duration range of the project. |
PricePerHourInteger | number | Specifies the price per hour for the project. |
ProjectType | jobPostTypeProject | Specifies the type of the project. |
ProvideCoverLetter | yes / no | Specifies if freelancers should provide a cover letter when applying for the job. |
Questions | List of Questions | A list of questions that freelancers must answer when applying for the job. |
Status | jobStatus | Specifies the status of the job. |
SuccessScore | jobPostSuccessScore | Specifies the success rate of the freelancers employer is looking for. |
timeLimitInSeconds | number | The time required for the project in seconds. Used when the project’s payment is of per hour type for tracking of time. |
TimeRequirement | jobPostTimeRequirement | The range of time required for the project. |
Timers | List of Timers | List of Timer objects used for time tracking. Everytime a user starts tracking a new Timer object is being created. |
Title | text | Title of the project. |
VisibilityOption | jobPostEmployerVisibility | Specifies to whom the project should be visible. |
This displays information about job offers related to a job. A JobOffer can be created either when an employer sends an invite to a freelancer or when a freelancer sends a proposal to an employer.
Tip: If the freelancer is submitting his proposal when there is already an invitation meant to him, his proposal will be merged with that existing invitation.
It comes with the following fields:
Field Name | Type | Notes |
accepted | yes / no | Specifies if the freelancer accepted the job invitation. |
Answers | List of Answers | A list of answers the freelancer has submitted for the job questions. |
attachments | List of files | A list of attachments the freelancer has submitted. |
coverLetter | text | The cover letter that freelancer has submitted. |
declined | yes / no | Specifies if the freelancer declined the job invitation. |
freelancer | User | Stores the freelancer to whom this invitation has been sent / the freelancer that sent the offer. |
Job | Job | The job that is related to this jobOffer. |
offerType | offerType | Specifies the type of this jobOffer. |
This object contains information about the language a freelancer possesses and his proficiency in that language. It comes with the following fields:
Field Name | Type | Notes |
Language Proficiency | Language Proficiency | Specifies the proficiency of the language. |
Language Type | Language Type | This object contains information about the language a freelancer possesses and his proficiency in that language. |
This object contains information about a message.
It comes with the following fields:
Field Name | Type | Notes |
content | text | The text of the message. |
files | List of files | The files that were attached to the message. |
new | yes / no | Specifies if the message is new or if it has been seen. |
This object contains information about the notifications created on the platform. Each notification has a type by which we decide where to show it.
Also, if it is a job-related notification, there will be a
attached to it. The same goes for a job offer.It comes with the following fields:
Field Name | Type | Notes |
content | text | The text of the notification. |
job | Job | The job that is related to this notification. |
jobOffer | jobOffer | The jobOffer that is related to this notification. |
new | yes / no | Specifies if this notification is new or if it has been seen. |
receiver | User | Contains the user that should receive this notification. |
type | notificationType | Specifies the type of the notification. |
This object contains information about a freelancer’s portfolio.
It comes with the following fields:
Field Name | Type | Notes |
portfolioCategory | Category | Specifies the main domain of activity of the freelancer regarding this portfolio. |
portfolioCompletionDate | date | Specifies the date when this portfolio was completed. |
portfolioDescription | text | Contains the description of this portfolio. |
portfolioLink | text | Contains a link for this portfolio. |
portfolioMainPicture | image | Contains the main image for this portfolio. |
portfolioNumber | number | The number of this portfolio. |
portfolioPictures | List of images | A list of images regarding this portfolio. |
portfolioServiceType | categoryType | Specifies the subcategory of activity of the freelancer regarding this portfolio. |
portfolioTags | List of Tags | Contains a list of job tags related to the category and subcategory of this portfolio. |
portfolioTitle | text | This object contains information about a freelancer’s portfolio. |
This object contains information about the reviews left for freelancers when a Job (project) is completed. Based on this, we calculate the job success rate of a freelancer.
It comes with the following fields:
Field Name | Type | Notes |
jobSuccessPercent | number | The job success rate. Calculated in percents. |
Receiver | User | Specifies the user that should receive this review. |
ReviewMessage | text | The review’s message. |
Stars | number | The amount of stars left for this review. |
This object contains information about the time tracked on a project. Every time the freelancer starts tracking time, a new
object will be created.Tip: This is used only when the payment type of the project is Per Hour.
It comes with the following fields:
Field Name | Type | Notes |
Job | Job | The job that is related to this timer. |
timeInSeconds | number | The total time in seconds that was tracked. |
timerActive | yes / no | Specifies if the current timer is active. |
timerApproved | yes / no | Specifies if this timer was approved. |
timerEnd | date | The date when this timer was stopped. |
timerStart | date | The date when this timer was started. |
Bubble applications have a built-in User data type that acts like any type that it is created in database. For instance, you can modify a user, delete a user, list them in a repeating group, etc.
This object contains information about both the Customer and Freelancer user types. There are no separate objects for that but separate fields within the user object that are completed or not based on the type of the user.
Fields that are related to a specific user type will contain either employer or freelancer in its name. Fields that don’t contain those keywords in their names are fields shared by both user types.
Note: The data type has privacy rule applied. See the 💬 in database under Privacy section for details.
It comes with the following fields:
Field Name | Type | Notes |
accountClosed | yes / no | Specifies if user account is closed or not. |
accountClosedReason | closeAccountOption | Contains the details about the reason user has closed it’s account. |
Banned | yes / no | Specifies if user account is banned or not. A banned user can’t create or apply for jobs. |
BannedReason | text | Contains the details about a user’s ban. |
conversations | List of Conversations | Contains the conversations of the user. |
employerFavoriteFreelancers | List of Users | List of freelancers that an employer has liked. |
employerHiredFreelancers | List of Users | List of freelancers that an employer has ever hired. |
employerJobs | List of Jobs | List of jobs an employer has created. |
employerStripeVerified | yes / no | Specifies if the user has a verified stripe account. |
filledFreelancerProfileBullets | List of freelancer | This field stores all the steps the freelancer has completed for onboarding. It helps to understand at what step he left so he can continue from there. |
freelancerAvailability | jobPostTimeRequirement | Specifies the amount of hours a freelancer is available for work per week. |
freelancerBilledHours | number | The amount of working hours a freelancer got paid for. |
freelancerCategoryList | List of Categories | The main categories the freelancer will work on. |
freelancerCategoryType | List of category | Types The main subcategories the freelancer will work on. |
freelancerEarnedAmount | number | Total amount of money the freelancer has earned on the platform. |
freelancerEducation | List of Educations | The list of professional studies the freelancer has. |
freelancerEnglishLevel | Language Proficiency | Specifies the level of English the user possess. |
freelancerExpertiseLevel | ExpertiseLevel | Specifies the freelancer’s level of experience. |
freelancerHourlyRate | number | Specifies the hourly rate the freelancer is working for. |
freelancerJobSuccessInteger | number | Specifies the freelancer’s job success rate. |
freelancerLanguages | List of Languages | The list of languages the freelancer can work with. |
freelancerPortfolio | List of Portfolios | Contains the freelancer’s portfolio. |
freelancerProfileDescription | text | Freelancer’s profile description. |
freelancerProfileTitle | text | Freelancer’s profile title. |
freelancerProfileVisibility | FreelancerProfileVisibility | Specifies the freelancer’s profile visibility on the platform. |
freelancerProjectTimeRequiments | jobPostTimeRequirement | Specifies the amount of hours a freelancer is available for work per week for a project. This is similar to freelancerAvailability but both are used in different situations. |
freelancerTagSkill | List of Tags | The list tags related to the freelancer’s domain of activity. |
freelancerTagSkillText | text | The list tags related to the freelancer’s domain of activity in a text format. Makes it easier for searching. |
freelancerType | FreelancerType | Specifies the freelancer’s type. One of Individual or Agency. |
freelancerWorkExperience | List of WorkExperiences | The list of previous work experiences the freelancer had. |
jobOffers | List of JobOffers | The list of job offers for available projects related to the user. |
message | List of Messages | A list of user’s messages. |
online | yes / no | Specifies if the user is online or not. |
profilePhoto | image | User’s profile pic. |
Reviews | List of Reviews | The list of user’s reviews. |
userAdmin | yes / no | Specifies if the user is an admin. |
userCity | text | Specifies the city the user is from. |
userCountry | Countries | Specifies the country the user is from. |
userfirstName | text | User’s first name. |
userInvoices | List of Invoices | A list of invoices related to the user. |
userlastName | text | User’s last name. |
userNotificationsInvitation | yes / no | Specifies if the user is receiving email notifications related to job offers and invitations. |
userNotificationsMessage | yes / no | Specifies if the user is receiving email notifications related to messages. |
userNotificationsPayment | yes / no | Specifies if the user is receiving email notifications related to payments and invoices. |
userPhone | text | User’s phone number. |
userType | userType | Specifies the user’s type. One of Employer or Freelancer. |
wishListJob | List of Jobs | A list of jobs the user has liked. |
This object contains different constant variables that need to be stored. The available variables are:
Platform Fee
and WriteRights
. It comes with the following fields:
Field Name | Type | Notes |
Platform Fee | number | The percent amount that the platform gets from every payment. |
WriteAccess | yes / no | Admin rights to use all the platform features. |
This section contains information about the work experience of a freelancer.
It comes with the following fields:
Field Name | Type | Notes |
City | text | The city where freelancer got this work experience. |
companyName | text | The company where freelancer got this work experience. |
Country | Countries | The country where freelancer got this work experience. |
currentlyWork | yes / no | Specifies if the freelancer is currently working for this company. |
Description | text | The description for this work experience. |
fromMonth | Months | Specifies the month when freelancer started this work. |
fromYear | number | Specifies the year when freelancer started this work. |
positionTitle | text | Specifies the job title the freelancer has/had on this job. |
toMonth | Months | Specifies the month when freelancer quit working on this job. |
toYear | number | Specifies the year when freelancer quit working on this job. |
Option Sets
Tip: Option sets define a static list of choices for use in dropdowns, pop-ups, etc. Options inside the sets have at least a text display, but they can have additional attributes defined in the Data tab. To learn more, see Bubble Manual.
Below you can find the list of option set attributes and options.
This option set is used as a menu on the admin page.
It comes with the following attributes:
Attribute | Type | Notes |
icon | image | The default icon of the option. |
icon2 | image | The icon for selected/covered option. |
parameter | text | Alternative naming for this option. Used as a URL parameter. |
The options for this set are:
Option | Types |
Balance | The Balance option. The parameter is set to ‘commission’. |
Users | The Users option. The parameter is set to ‘users’. |
Categories | The Categories option. The parameter is set to ‘category’. |
Jobs | The Users option. The parameter is set to ‘users’. |
This option set contains all the categories available on the platform.
It comes with the following attributes:
Attribute | Type | Notes |
Description | text | The description for the category. |
mainServiceTypes | List of categoryTypes | The list of subcategories for this category. |
The options for this set are:
Option | Types |
Accounting & Consulting | This stores the Accounting & Consulting main services. |
Admin Support | This stores the Admin Support main services. |
Customer Service | This stores the Customer Service main services. |
Data Science & Analytics | This stores the Data Science & Analytics main services. |
Design & Creative | This stores the Design & Creative main services. |
Engineering & Architecture | This stores the Engineering & Architecture main services. |
IT & Networking | This stores the IT & Networking main services. |
Legal | This stores the Legal main services. |
Sales & Marketing | This stores the Sales & Marketing main services. |
Translation | This stores the Translation main services. |
Web, Mobile & Software Dev | This stores the Web, Mobile & Software Dev main services. |
Writing | This stores the Writing main services. |
This option set contains all the subcategories available on the platform.
It comes with the following attributes:
Attribute | Type | Notes |
mainPage | yes / no | Specifies if this subcategory is visible on the main page. |
mainService | Category | Contains the category to which this subcategory is linked. |
Tags | List of Tags | A list of tags that are related to this subcategory. |
The options for this set are:
- Accounting It is visible on the main page.
- Financial Planning It is visible on the main page.
- Human Resources It is visible on the main page.
- Management Consulting It is visible on the main page.
- Other - Accounting & Consulting It is visible on the main page.
- Data Entry It is visible on the main page.
- Personal/Virtual Assistant It is not visible on the main page.
- Transcription It is visible on the main page.
- Other - Admin Support It is visible on the main page.
- Project Management It is visible on the main page.
- Web Research It is visible on the main page.
- Customer Service It is visible on the main page.
- Technical Support It is visible on the main page.
- Other - Customer ServiceIt is visible on the main page.
- A/B Testing It is visible on the main page.
- Data Mining & Management It is not visible on the main page.
- Machine Learning It is visible on the main page.
- Quantitative Analysis It is visible on the main page.
- Data Extraction/ETL It is visible on the main page.
- Data Visualization It is visible on the main page.
- Other - Data Science & Analytics It is visible on the main page.
- Animation It is visible on the main page.
- Audio Production It is visible on the main page.
- Graphics & Design It is visible on the main page.
- Photography It is visible on the main page. Presentations It is visible on the main page.
- Voice Talent It is visible on the main page.
- Art & IllustrationIt is visible on the main page.
- Brand Identity & Strategy It is visible on the main page.
- Motion Graphics It is visible on the main page.
- Physical Design It is visible on the main page.
- Video Production It is visible on the main page.
- 3D Modeling & CAD It is visible on the main page.
- Chemical Engineering It is visible on the main page.
- Contract Manufacturing It is visible on the main page.
- Interior Design It is visible on the main page.
- Other - Engineering & Architecture It is visible on the main page.
- Architecture It is visible on the main page.
- Civil & Structural Engineering It is visible on the main page.
- Electrical Engineering It is visible on the main page.
- Mechanical Engineering It is visible on the main page.
- Product Design It is visible on the main page.
- Database Administration It is visible on the main page.
- Information Security It is visible on the main page.
- Other - IT & Networking It is visible on the main page.
- ERP/CRM Software It is visible on the main page.
- Network & System Administration It is not visible on the main page.
- Contract Law It is visible on the main page.
- Criminal Law It is visible on the main page.
- Intellectual Property Law It is not visible on the main page.
- Paralegal Services It is visible on the main page.
- Corporate Law It is visible on the main page.
- Family law It is visible on the main page.
- Other - Legal It is visible on the main page.
- Digital Advertising It is visible on the main page.
- Lead Generation It is visible on the main page.
- Marketing Strategy It is visible on the main page.
- Public Relations It is visible on the main page.
- SEO - Search Engine Optimization It is not visible on the main page.
- Telemarketing & Telesales It is visible on the main page.
- Email & Marketing Automation It is visible on the main page.
- Other - Sales & Marketing It is visible on the main page.
- SEM - Search Engine Marketing It is visible on the main page.
- SMM - Social Media Marketing It is visible on the main page.
- General Translation It is visible on the main page.
- Medical Translation It is visible on the main page.
- Legal Translation It is visible on the main page.
- Technical Translation It is visible on the main page.
- Desktop Software Development It is visible on the main page.
- Game Development It is visible on the main page.
- Other - Software Development It is visible on the main page.
- QA & Testing It is visible on the main page.
- Web & Mobile Design It is visible on the main page.
- Ecommerce Development It is visible on the main page.
- Mobile Development It is visible on the main page.
- Product Management It is visible on the main page.
- Scripts & Utilities It is visible on the main page.
- Web Development It is visible on the main page.
- Academic Writing & Research It is visible on the main page.
- Copywriting It is visible on the main page.
- Editing & Proofreading It is visible on the main page.
- Other - Writing It is visible on the main page.
- Article & Blog Writing It is visible on the main page.
- Creative Writing It is visible on the main page.
- Grant Writing It is visible on the main page.
- Resumes & Cover Letters It is visible on the main page.
- Web Content It is visible on the main page.
This option set contains the reasons for closing an account.
It comes with the following attribute:
Attribute | Type | Notes |
Order | number | Specifies the number order for this option. |
The options for this set are:
Option | Types |
I finished my work and don’t need Uplance anymore | The order number 1 |
I couldn’t find the jobs I wanted | The order number 2 |
I found a good client on Uplance, but we’re working directly together | The order number 3 |
I want to change my username | The order number 4 |
Uplance is not easy to use | The order number 5 |
I signed up for the wrong type of account | The order number 6 |
Closing duplicate account | The order number 7 |
This option set contains all the countries.
It does not have any additional fields. It uses a built-in attribute to display the values.
The options for this set are:
This option set is used as a menu on the employer page.
It comes with the following attributes:
Attribute | Type | Notes |
icon1 | image | Default icon of the option. |
icon2 | image | Icon of the selected/hovered option. |
parameter | text | Shortened name of the option. |
The options for this set are:
Option | Types |
My Info | The option for My Info tab. |
Billing Methods | The option for Billing Methods tab. |
Password & Security | The option for Password & Security tab. |
Notification Settings | The option for Notification Settings tab. |
This option set contains the possible freelancer’s levels of expertise.
It comes with the following attributes:
Attribute | Type | Notes |
description | text | The description of the option. |
icon | image | The icon representing the option. |
levelCount | number | The level/order that represents the option. |
max | number | The maximum amount of money a freelancer with this expertise level can charge. |
min | number | The minimum amount of money a freelancer with this expertise level can charge. |
The options for this set are:
Option | Types |
Any Experience Level | Min 1, max 100 |
Entry Level | Min 1, max 10. Less than $10.00/hr. |
Intermediate | Min 10, max 28. $10.00 - $28.00/hr. |
Expert | Min 28, max 1000. More than $28.00/hr. |
This option set is used as a menu on the freelancer-dashboard page.
It comes with the following attribute:
Attribute | Type | Notes |
q | text | An alternative naming of the option. Used for sending it as a parameter in the page URL. |
The options for this set are:
Option | Types |
My Jobs | The parameter value is ‘my_jobs’. |
Contracts | The parameter value is ‘finished’. |
Inbox | The parameter value is ‘inbox’. |
Reports | The parameter value is ‘reports’. |
Notifications | The parameter value is ‘notification’. |
This option set is used as a menu on the
page.It comes with the following attributes:
Attribute | Type | Notes |
icon | image | The default icon of the option. |
iconHover | image | Icon of the selected/hovered option. |
The options for this set are:
Option | Types |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
- My Feed The option for My Feed tab.
- Recommended The option for Recommended tab.
- Saved The option for Saved tab.
This option set is used as a menu on the freelancer-settings page.
It comes with the following attribute:
Attribute | Type | Notes |
ㅤ | ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ | ㅤ |
List of FreelanceSubMenus list of sub menu items related to this option.
The options for this set are:
Option | Types |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
- Payment Sub menu items: Payment Account.
- User Settings Sub menu items: Contact info, My Profile, Profile Settings, Password & security.
- Dashboard No sub menu items.
This option set is used to represent the steps for the freelancer on the onboarding page.
It comes with the following attributes:
Attribute | Type | Notes |
ㅤ | ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ | ㅤ |
number The order/level of the option.
image The default icon of the option.
icon for the selected/hovered option.
The options for this set are:
Option | Types |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
- Expertise The count value is 1.
- Expertise Level The count value is 2.
- Education The count value is 3.
- Employment The count value is 4.
- Languages The count value is 5.
- Hourly Rate The count value is 6.
- Title & Overview The count value is 7.
- Profile Photo The count value is 8.
- Location The count value is 9.
- Phone The count value is 10.
- Stripe The count value is 11.
This option set contains the possible options for the visibility of a freelancer’s profile on the platform.
It comes with the following attribute:
Attribute | Type | Notes |
ㅤ | ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ | ㅤ |
text The description of the option.
The options for this set are:
Option | Types |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
- Public The Public option.
- Private The Private option.
- Only Uplance users The Only Uplance users option.
This option set contains the sub-menu items for the main menu on the freelancer-settings page.
It comes with the following attribute:
Attribute | Type | Notes |
ㅤ | ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ | ㅤ |
text Alternative naming for the option. Used to send it to the page URL.
The options for this set are:
Option | Types |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
- Payment Account The parameter value is ‘billing_methods’.
- Contact info The parameter value is ‘contactInfo’.
- My Profile Empty.
- Profile Settings The parameter value is ‘settings’.
- Password & security The parameter value is ‘password-and-security’.
This option set contains the possible types of a freelancer.
It does not have any additional fields. It uses a built-in attribute to display the values.
The options for this set are:
- No preference The No preference option.
- Independent The Independent option.
- Agency The Agency option.
This option set contains the possible hourly rates on the platform.
It comes with the following attributes:
Attribute | Type | Notes |
ㅤ | ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ | ㅤ |
number The maximum value for this option.
number The minimum value for this option.
number The duplicate maximum value for the option. It might not be used anywhere
The options for this set are:
Option | Types |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
- Any hourly rate Attribute values are set to empty.
- $10 and below Min is 1, max is 10.
- $10 - $30 Min is 10, max is 30.
- $30 - $60Mis is 30, max is 60.
- $60 & aboveMin is 60, max is 1000.
This option set contains the possible freelancer’s levels of billed hours.
It comes with the following attributes:
Attribute | Type | Notes |
ㅤ | ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ | ㅤ |
number The maximum value for this option.
number The minimum value for this option.
The options for this set are:
Option | Types |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
- Any hours No min and no max values.
- 1+ hours billed Min is 1, max is 100.
- 100+ hours billed Min is 100, max is 1000.
- 1,000+ hours billed Min is 1000, max is 100000.
This option set contains the possible freelancer’s levels of earned amounts of money.
It comes with the following attributes:
Attribute | Type | Notes |
ㅤ | ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ | ㅤ |
number The maximum value for this option.
number The minimum value for this option.
number The duplicate maximum value for the option. It might not be used anywhere.
The options for this set are:
Option | Types |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
- Any amount earned No min and no max values.
- $100+ earnedMin is 0, max is 100.
- $1k+ earnedMin is 100 max is 1000.
- $10k+ earnedMin is 1000, max is 10000
This option set contains the possible budget types of a project on the platform.
It comes with the following attributes:
Attribute | Type | Notes |
ㅤ | ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ | ㅤ |
imageThe icon representing the option.
number The maximum value for this option.
number The minimum value for this option.
The options for this set are:
Option | Types |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
- Any Budget Min is 1, max is 1000000.
- Less than $100 Min is 1, max is 100.
- $100 - $500 Min is 100, max is 500.
- $500 - $1kMin is 500, max is 1000.
- $1k+Min is 1000, max is 1000000.
This option set contains the possible options for the visibility of a project on the platform.
It comes with the following attributes:
Attribute | Type | Notes |
ㅤ | ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ | ㅤ |
text The description for this option.
image The icon representing this option.
The options for this set are:
Option | Types |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
- Anyone Freelancers and agencies using Uplance and public search engines can find this job.
- Only Uplance talent Only Uplance users can find this job.
- Invite-only Only freelancers and agencies you have invited can find this job.
This option set is used as a menu on the job-post page.
Attribute | Type | Notes |
ㅤ | ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ | ㅤ |
number This is the level/order of the option.
image Default icon for the option.
image Icon for the option when it’s being completed.
image Icon for the completed option.
The options for this set are:
Option | Types |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
- Title The option order is 1.
- Description The option order is 2.
- Details The option order is 3.
- Expertise The option order is 4.
- Visibility The option order is 5.
- Budget The option order is 6.
- ReviewThe option order is 7.
This option set contains possible duration ranges of a project.
It comes with the following attribute:
Attribute | Type | Notes |
ㅤ | ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ | ㅤ |
image This icon is representing this option.
The options for this set are:
Option | Types |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
- Any Project Length It simply displays this value.
- More than 6 months It simply displays this value.
- 3 to 6 months It simply displays this value.
- 1 to 3 months It simply displays this value.
- Less than 1 month It simply displays this value.
This option set represents the possible range of job success scores on the platform.
Attribute | Type | Notes |
ㅤ | ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ | ㅤ |
number The maximum value for this option.
number The minimum value for this option.
number The duplicate maximum value for the option. It might not be used anywhere.
The options for this set are:
Option | Types |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
- Any job success The attribute values are empty.
- 80% & up Min is 80, max is 100.
- 90% & upMin is 90, max is 100.
This option set represents the possible range of weekly working hours for a project.
It comes with the following attributes:
Attribute | Type | Notes |
ㅤ | ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ | ㅤ |
tex tSimilar values of this option set but used by the freelancer.
image The icon representing this option.
number Used to store the number value of this option.
The options for this set are:
Option | Types |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
- I don’t know yet Availability: As needed - open to offers.
- More than 30 hrs/week Availability: More than 30 hrs/week.
- Less than 30 hrs/week Availability: Less than 30 hrs/week.
This option set contains the possible project types on the platform.
Attribute | Type | Notes |
ㅤ | ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ | ㅤ |
text The description for this option.
image The icon representing this option.
The options for this set are:
Option | Types |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
- Any Job Type No job type description.
- One-time project Find the right skills for a short-term need.
- Ongoing project Find a skilled resource for an extended engagement.
- Complex project Find specialized experts and agencies for large projects.
This option set contains all the possible statuses for the projects on the platform.
It does not have any additional fields. It uses a built-in attribute to display the values.
The options for this set are:
Option | Types |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
- Open The Open option. No other attributes.
- Ongoing The Open option. No other attributes.
- Pending Approval The Pending Approval option. No other attributes.
- Completed The Completed option. No other attributes.
- Draft The Draft option. No other attributes.
- Deleted The Deleted option. No other attributes.
Language Proficiency
This option set contains all the language proficiencies available on the platform.
It comes with the following attributes:
Attribute | Type | Notes |
ㅤ | ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ | ㅤ |
text The description for this option.
image The icon representing this option.
The options for this set are:
Option | Types |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
- Basic Description: I write in this language decently.
- Conversational Description: I write and speak this language well.
- Fluent Description: I write and speak this language almost perfectly.
- Native or Bilingual Description: I write and speak this language perfectly, including colloquialisms.
Language Type
This option set contains all the available languages on the platform.
It does not have any additional fields. It uses a built-in attribute to display the values.
The options for this set are:
Option | Types |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
- Arabic This option represents the selected language by the user
- Azerbaijani This option represents the selected language by the user
- Bashkir This option represents the selected language by the user
- Belarusian This option represents the selected language by the user
- Bulgarian This option represents the selected language by the user
- Czech This option represents the selected language by the user
- Welsh This option represents the selected language by the user
- Danish This option represents the selected language by the user
- GermanThis option represents the selected language by the user
- Greek, ModernThis option represents the selected language by the user
- English This option represents the selected language by the use
- Esperanto This option represents the selected language by the user
- Estonian This option represents the selected language by the user
- French This option represents the selected language by the user
- Irish This option represents the selected language by the user
- Croatian This option represents the selected language by the user
- Hungarian This option represents the selected language by the user
- Armenian This option represents the selected language by the user
- Indonesian This option represents the selected language by the user
- InterlingueThis option represents the selected language by the user
- Icelandic This option represents the selected language by the user
- Italian This option represents the selected language by the user
- Japanese This option represents the selected language by the user
- Javanese This option represents the selected language by the user
- Georgian This option represents the selected language by the user
- Korean This option represents the selected language by the user
- Latin This option represents the selected language by the user
- Lithuanian This option represents the selected language by the user
- Latvian This option represents the selected language by the user
- Malagasy This option represents the selected language by the user
- Macedonian This option represents the selected language by the user
- Mongolian This option represents the selected language by the user
- Dutch This option represents the selected language by the user
- Norwegian This option represents the selected language by the user
- Polish This option represents the selected language by the user
- Portuguese This option represents the selected language by the user
- Romanian This option represents the selected language by the user
- Russian This option represents the selected language by the user
- Slovak This option represents the selected language by the user
- Slovene This option represents the selected language by the user
- Serbian This option represents the selected language by the user
- Swedish This option represents the selected language by the user
- Turkish This option represents the selected language by the user
- Ukrainian This option represents the selected language by the user
- Uzbek This option represents the selected language by the user
- Vietnamese This option represents the selected language by the user
- Yiddish This option represents the selected language by the user
This option set contains all the months that are in a year in a text format.
It comes with the following attributes:
Attribute | Type | Notes |
ㅤ | ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ | ㅤ |
text Shortened name for this option.
number The order/number of this option.
The options for this set are:
Option | Types |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
- January The option for Jan.
- February The option for Feb.
- March The option for Mar.
- April The option for Arp.
- May The option for May.
- June The option for Jun.
- July The option for Jul.
- August The option for Aug.
- September The option for Sep.
- October The option for Oct.
- November The option for Nov.
- December The option for Dec.
This option set contains all the available notification types on the platform.
Attribute | Type | Notes |
ㅤ | ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ | ㅤ |
text The description of this option.
The options for this set are:
Option | Types |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
- Invitation Description: You have received an invitation to interview for the job.
- Proposal Description: You received a job proposal.
- Project Message Description: has sent you a message in project.
- Waiting approve Description: was finished and is waiting approval.
- Hiring Description: just hired you!
- Invoice Description: sent you a payment for the completed job.
- Decline No description here.
This option set contains the possible types of a job offer on the platform.
It does not have any additional fields. It uses a built-in attribute to display the values.
The options for this set are:
Option | Types |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
- Invite The Invite option. No other attributes here.
- Proposal The Proposal option. No other attributes here.
This option set contains the possible payment types of the projects on the platform.
It comes with the following attributes:
Attribute | Type | Notes |
ㅤ | ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ | ㅤ |
text The description of this option.
text Similar values of this option set but used by the freelancer.
image The icon representing this option.
The options for this set are:
Option | Types |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
- Pay by the hour Description: Popular for ongoing projects. Hourly-based.
- Pay a fixed price Description: Popular for one-time projects. Fix-priced.
This option set contains all the available questions that can be added in a project.
It does not have any additional fields. It uses a built-in attribute to display the values.
The options for this set are:
Option | Types |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
- Do you have any questions about the job description? The available question to be added in a project.
- Do you have suggestions to make this project run successfully? The available question to be added in a project.
- What challenging part of this job are you most experienced in? The available question to be added in a project.
- What part of this project most appeals to you? The available question to be added in a project.
- What past project or job have you had that is most like this one and why? The available question to be added in a project.
- What questions do you have about the project? The available question to be added in a project.
- Which of the required job skills do you feel you are strongest at? The available question to be added in a project.
- Which part of this project do you think will take the most time? The available question to be added in a project.
- Why did you apply to this particular job? The available question to be added in a project.
- Why do you think you are a good fit for this particular project? The available question to be added in a project.
This option set contains all the job category related tags on the platform. Tags are linked to subcategories which in their turn are linked to categories.
It does not have any additional fields. It uses a built-in attribute to display the values.
The options for this set are:
Option | Types |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
ㅤ | ㅤ |
- Cost Analysis The option to select a job category.
- Blackline The option to select a job category.
- Microsoft Excel The option to select a job category.
- GAAP The option to select a job category.
- Mathematics The option to select a job category.
- Accounting principles The option to select a job category.
- Industrial Design The option to select a job category.
- 3D Printing The option to select a job category.
- Branding & Marketing The option to select a job category.
- Concept Design The option to select a job category.
- Database Design The option to select a job category.
- Data Migration The option to select a job category.
- Database Optimization The option to select a job category.
- Assessments & Testing The option to select a job category.
- Management The option to select a job category.
- Cybersecurity Management The option to select a job category.
- Malware Removal The option to select a job category.
- Network Design The option to select a job category.
- Network EngineeringThe option to select a job category.
- Network Monitoring The option to select a job category.
- Network Security ManagementThe option to select a job category.
- Prototype The option to select a job category.
- Application Audit The option to select a job category.
- Application Integration The option to select a job category.
- .NET Framework The option to select a job category.
- Security Management The option to select a job category.
- System Installation & Upgrades The option to select a job category.
- System Monitoring The option to select a job category.
- Microsoft Windows Server The option to select a job category.
- Employment Considerations The option to select a job category.
- Disclosure Agreements The option to select a job category.
- Partnership Agreements The option to select a job category.
- Property & Equipment Leases The option to select a job category.
- Investment Strategies The option to select a job category.
- Financial Policies & Procedures The option to select a job category.
- Tax Strategies The option to select a job category.
- Personnel Recruitment The option to select a job category.
- Compensation & Benefits The option to select a job category.
- Labor Relations & Negotiation The option to select a job category.
- Operations & Performance The option to select a job category.
- Organizational Design & Effectiveness The option to select a job category.
- Strategy & Planning The option to select a job category.
- Profit & Loss Statements The option to select a job category.
- Financial Reports The option to select a job category.
- Budgets The option to select a job category.
- Research Analysis The option to select a job category.
- CRM Software The option to select a job category.
- Accuracy Verification The option to select a job category.
- Virtual The option to select a job category.
- Task Coordination The option to select a job category.
- Communication The option to select a job category.
- Subtitles The option to select a job category.
- Captions The option to select a job category.
- Meeting Notes The option to select a job category.
- Answering Product Questions The option to select a job category.
- Call Handling The option to select a job category.
- Following procedures The option to select a job category.
- Checking Order Status The option to select a job category.
- Ticketing Systems The option to select a job category.
- Chat Support The option to select a job category.
- Topic Research The option to select a job category.
- Market Research The option to select a job category.
- Research Methods The option to select a job category.
- Cost Control The option to select a job category.
- Decision Making The option to select a job category.
- Troubleshooting The option to select a job category.
- Email Technical Support The option to select a job category.
- Customer Support The option to select a job category.
- The option to select a job category.
- Product Knowledge The option to select a job category. Conversion Rate Optimization The option to select a job category.
- Funnel Testing The option to select a job category.
- Hypothesis Testing The option to select a job category.
- Web Scraping The option to select a job category.
- Web Research The option to select a job category.
- Rapid Miner The option to select a job category.
- General Partnership The option to select a job category.
- Limited Partnership The option to select a job category.
- Machine Learning Mode The option to select a job category.
- Model Optimization The option to select a job category.
- Model Tuning The option to select a job category.
- Contract Drafting The option to select a job category.
- Contract Negotiations The option to select a job category.
- Legal Assistance The option to select a job category.
- Negotiation The option to select a job category.
- Quantitative Research The option to select a job category.
- Consulting The option to select a job category.
- Quantitative Methods The option to select a job category.
- Machine Learning The option to select a job category.
- Patents The option to select a job category.
- Trademarks The option to select a job category.
- Trademark Prosecution The option to select a job category.
- Copyright The option to select a job category.
- ETL Pipeline The option to select a job category.
- Web Scraping The option to select a job category.
- API Integration The option to select a job category.
- Map The option to select a job category.
- Presentation The option to select a job category.
- Dashboard The option to select a job category.
- Document Analysis The option to select a job category.
- Draft Documentation The option to select a job category.
- File Documentation The option to select a job category.
- Legal Research The option to select a job category.
- Operations Analytics The option to select a job category.
- Product Analytics The option to select a job category.
- Growth Analytics The option to select a job category.
- 2D Animation The option to select a job category.
- 3D Modeling The option to select a job category.
- 3D Rendering The option to select a job category.
- Sound Effects The option to select a job category.
- Ableton Live The option to select a job category.
- Adobe InDesign The option to select a job category.
- Infographics The option to select a job category.
- Brand Identity & Guidelines The option to select a job category.
- Trusts Estates and Wills The option to select a job category.
- People The option to select a job category.
- Terms of Service The option to select a job category.
- Product The option to select a job category.
- Official Documents Translation The option to select a job category.
- Travel The option to select a job category.
- Legal Translation The option to select a job category.
- Immigration Documents The option to select a job category.
- Data Visualization The option to select a job category.
- Business Presentation The option to select a job category.
- Sales Presentations The option to select a job category.
- Female The option to select a job category.
- Male The option to select a job category.
- Advertisement The option to select a job category.
- Social Media Management The option to select a job category.
- Google Analytics The option to select a job category.
- Email Marketing The option to select a job category.
- Technical Illustration The option to select a job category.
- Paid Media The option to select a job category.
- UI Graphics The option to select a job category.
- Audit The option to select a job category.
- Print Marketing Materials The option to select a job category.
- Packaging The option to select a job category.
- Digital Marketing Materials The option to select a job category.
- Appointment Setting The option to select a job category.
- Data Cleansing The option to select a job category.
- Data Entry The option to select a job category.
- Data Mining The option to select a job category.
- Photo Slideshow The option to select a job category.
- Data Scraping The option to select a job category.
- Trailer The option to select a job category.
- Music Video The option to select a job category.
- Influencer Marketing The option to select a job category.
- Content Marketing The option to select a job category.
- Direct Marketing The option to select a job category.
- Event Marketing The option to select a job category.
- Public Relations The option to select a job category.
- Crisis Management The option to select a job category.
- Content Writing The option to select a job category.
- Community Relations The option to select a job category.
- Employee Relations The option to select a job category.
- Corporate Social Responsibility The option to select a job category.
- On-Page SEO The option to select a job category.
- Off-Page SEO The option to select a job category.
- Technical SEO The option to select a job category.
- Content SEO The option to select a job category.
- Backlinking & Outreach The option to select a job category.
- Competitive Analysis The option to select a job category.
- Cold Calling The option to select a job category.
- Customer Service The option to select a job category.
- Copywriting The option to select a job category.
- Tracking & Analytics The option to select a job category.
- Email Campaign Setup The option to select a job category.
- Advertising & Promotion The option to select a job category.
- Analytics The option to select a job category.
- Brand Research The option to select a job category.
- Audience Targeting The option to select a job category.
- Advertising Research The option to select a job category.
- Customer Research & Insights The option to select a job category.
- Customer Experience & Shopper Insights The option to select a job category.
- Amazon Seller Central The option to select a job category.
- International Sales The option to select a job category.
- Ecommerce Platform Development The option to select a job category.
- Copywriting The option to select a job category.
- Content Marketing Strategy The option to select a job category.
- Content Writing The option to select a job category.
- Resume Development The option to select a job category.
- Cover Letter Development The option to select a job category.
- LinkedIn Profile Development The option to select a job category.
- Grant & Market Research The option to select a job category.
- Budgeting & Forecasting The option to select a job category.
- Grant Application The option to select a job category.
- Fiction Writing The option to select a job category.
- Speech Writing The option to select a job category.
- Article Writing The option to select a job category.
- Blog Content The option to select a job category.
- Business The option to select a job category.
- Entertainment The option to select a job category.
- Editing & Proofreading The option to select a job category.
- Content Writing The option to select a job category.
- Ad Copy The option to select a job category.
- Copyediting The option to select a job category.
- Proofreading The option to select a job category.
- Developmental Editing The option to select a job category.
- Website Content The option to select a job category.
- SEO Writing The option to select a job category.
- Social Media Post The option to select a job category.
- Qualitative Research The option to select a job category.
- Quantitative Research The option to select a job category.
- Article The option to select a job category.
- Desktop Applications The option to select a job category.
- Web Design The option to select a job category.
- Database Architecture The option to select a job category.
- Web Scraping The option to select a job category.
- Database Architecture The option to select a job category.
- Web Scraping The option to select a job category.
- Automation The option to select a job category.
- Scripting The option to select a job category.
- Product Strategy The option to select a job category.
- Minimum Viable Product The option to select a job category.
- Project Management The option to select a job category.
- iOS The option to select a job category.
- Android The option to select a job category.
- Native The option to select a job category.
- App Development The option to select a job category.
- eCommerce Website The option to select a job category.
- Template The option to select a job category.
- Website Development The option to select a job category.
- Native Development The option to select a job category.
- Wireframes The option to select a job category.
- Manual Testing The option to select a job category.
- Automated Testing The option to select a job category.
- Mobile App Testing The option to select a job category.
- Database Design The option to select a job category.
- Bug Fixes The option to select a job category.
- PPC Campaigns The option to select a job category.
- Facebook Advertising The option to select a job category.
- Social Media Account Setup The option to select a job category.
- Social Media Content Creation The option to select a job category.
- Social Media Advertising The option to select a job category.
- English The option to select a job category.
- French The option to select a job category.
- German The option to select a job category.
- Spanish The option to select a job category.
- Arabic The option to select a job category.
- Live Interpreter The option to select a job category.
- Transcription The option to select a job category.
- Contract Translations The option to select a job category.
- Official Correspondence Translation The option to select a job category.
- Medical Reports The option to select a job category.
- Lab Reports The option to select a job category.
- Medical Transcription The option to select a job category.
- Article Rewriting The option to select a job category.
- Documentation The option to select a job category.
- Product Documentation The option to select a job category.
- Software Localization The option to select a job category.
- Technical Manuals The option to select a job category.
- Software Consultation The option to select a job category.
- Bug Fixes The option to select a job category.
- Objective-C The option to select a job category.
- Visual Basic The option to select a job category.
- Game The option to select a job category.
- Game Consultation The option to select a job category.
- Game Design Documents The option to select a job category.
- Performance Optimization The option to select a job cat
Search page and element where the option set is used
Tip: To find the pages where the options sets are used, use the App Search Tool within the editor.
Embedded Notes in Bubble Editor
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