Add a Documentation Finder on your app in minutes

Before applying this feature, you must activate ID attribute to HTML elements on your app settings.
Image without caption


  1. Add these plugins on your app - All these plugins are FREE
      • Mouse & Keyboard Interaction 🔗
      • ZQ Fuzzy Search & Autocomplete 🔗
  1. Copy Fruit & Veggies option set into your app.
  1. Copy Widget - Documentation Finder reusable element to your app. | How to copy reusable elements?
  1. Copy these styles | How to copy styles?
      • Group - Bible - White BG
      • Group - Bible - Border
      • Text - Bible - Standard
      • Text - Bible - Heading 1
      • Text - Bible - Subheading 1
      • Popup - Bible - Standard
      • Feather Icon - Bible - Standard
      • Repeating Group - Bible - Standard
      • Input - Bible - Gray BG
  1. After these steps copy Page - Documentation-Finder and paste your app | How to copy page?
  1. Change your data from your wish. Now your documentation finder feature is ready to use 🚀

Watch our video to make this widget easily

🎨 About Design

Styles and design in each application depending on the creativity of the creator. You may customize this widget you copied by adding your own styles.