Send an invitation like Clubhouse

This example was made with SendGrid, if you don't have a SendGrid subscription you may want to consider getting one. Otherwise, you must move the data we send with the API to the "send email action"


  1. Copy this option set
      • Email Templates
  1. Add these plugins to your app | THESE PLUGINS ARE FREE
      • AirAlert Standart
      • API Connector
  1. Copy these styles | How to copy styles?
      • Group - Default
      • Input - Standard
      • Button - Primary Button
  1. Go to the Plugins tab, find the Sendgrid API and copy the API with a right click and paste it into your app.
  1. Do not forget to enter your SendGrid API key in the value of the Authorization field, and you must add Bearer and a space. Like (Bearer SGxxxxxxxxxxxx)
  1. Finally, initialize the API call to make sure it works.
  1. Copy Widget - Invitation Link| Reusable Element to your application | How to copy reusable elements?
  1. You may get missing action error. In this case, right-click on the missing action and select replace by another type. Sendgrid - Find Send Email and replace with it.
  1. Go back to Nocode Bible and right click on expressions in body area and copy.
  1. There will probably be 4 issues. Edit these as the value of Input Full Name and there will be no issue.
  1. Add the Input email to the To: field. Edit other fields as you wish.
  1. In Nocode Bible it has been edited to show the signup pop-up in the header, if you are going to run it from the Header, switch to the Sign Up-Login reusable element and copy the event named Do When Condition is true Get uid page URL is not empty. And whatever element you want to show, go to the page (or reusable element) related to it, paste the event and select the relevant element. Thus, when they come to your home page with an invitation link, the signup pop-up will open.
  1. This invitation system is set according to the home page, if you want to run it on the home page, you do not need to make any changes in the "Body" field, but if you want to run it on a different page, you can edit the URL through the 3rd find&replace operator.
Now you're ready to launch 🚀

Watch our video to make this widget easily