This section consists of Database Things and fields description for every thing which is part of the template.


To get to the Data section, click the database icon on the left side tabs in Bubble Editor.

Data Types

Note: In case you have accidentally deleted a data type - no worries! Bubble lets you restore💪the deleted data type. Clicking on 'show deleted types' or 'show deleted fields' from the Data → Data types tab will reveal the deleted items, and a 'restore' button will appear next to each deleted entry. Simply click 'restore', to restore a field or data type.
Tip: Aside from the below-listed data types and fields, Bubble creates these default fields visible in each data type: Creator, Modified Date, Created Date and Slug, except for the User data type. The User data type will have the following fields: email, Modified Date, Created Date and Slug. These fields' values can be used in workflows, conditional formatting, etc. To learn more, see the Bubble manual

Cart Item

This object stores the items added to user's shopping cart. It contains the following fields:
  • item Item This is the Item object which stores the item information.
  • quantity number This is the quantity of items added to the shopping cart.
  • store Store This is the Store object which contains the store information the item belongs to.
  • total price number This is the total cart price.
Tip: The total price field is calculated without fee.

Department Type

This object stores the information about a department. A store may belong to multiple departments.
It comes with the following fields:
  • icon image This is the department icon.
  • name text This is the department name.


‌This object stores information about an item. It is the actual product displayed on the platform which customers can add to the cart and purchase.
It comes with the following fields:
  • actual price number This field makes it possible to properly sort products by price.
  • brand text This field is used to describe an item.
  • by price or by weight text Determines the measure by which you are going to sell an item.
  • Department Type Department Type Which department the product belongs to.
  • description text Used to describe an item.
  • details text Used to describe an item.
  • image image This is the item image.
  • ingredients text This is the item's list of ingredients.
  • name text This is the item name.
  • price number Price per item.
  • sale yes / no This field checks whether an item is on discount now or not.
  • sale price number This is the discount price per item.
  • store Store This transfers the object to which this item belongs to.
  • visible yes / no This field makes it possible not to display an item in the store.
  • warnings text This field is used to describe an item.
  • weight number This field stores the weight of an item.


This object stores the information about the order that was placed. It comes with the following fields:
  • address text This is the order address for delivery.
  • delivery date date This is the delivery date.
  • delivery time text This is the delivery time.
  • ID text This is the specific ID of an order.
  • instruction text Comments for the collector or for the courier.
  • minimum packages yes / no An optional function that tells the collector to use fewer packages.
  • order comment text Comments for the collector or for the courier.
  • Ordered Items List of Cart Items The items that have been ordered.
  • status Order Status The status of an order.
  • store Store Store in which the order was placed.
  • tel text This is the customer's phone number.
  • total price number This is the total cart price.
Tip: The total price field is calculated without fee.

Order Status

This object stores the status of a placed order. It comes with the following fields:
  • color text This is the color for the text status to represent different statuses.
  • status text This is the actual status name.

Platform Fee

This object stores the platform fee (it's a flat fee). It comes with a single field:
  • fee number This field is the fee of the current platform.


This object stores the details related to a store. It comes with the following fields:
  • address geographic address This is the address of a store.
  • Department Types List of Department Types All departments that have the current store listed.
  • Items List of Items All items that the current store has.
  • logo image This is the store logo.
  • name text This is the store name.
  • zip List of texts Zip code of current store.


Bubble applications have a built-in User data type that acts like any type that is created in a database. For instance, you can modify a user, delete a user, list them in a repeating group, etc.
  • address text This is the order address.
  • admin yes / no This is the permission to admin page.
  • Cart Items List of Cart Items This is the customer's cart.
  • date_of_birth text This is the birth day.
  • email_text text User email duplicated in text data type.
  • gender text This is the user's gender.
  • last_name text This is the user's last name.
  • month_of_birth Months This is the user's month of birth.
  • name text This is the user's name.
  • order comment text Ordering notes for the product assembler, updated with every order.
  • phone text This is the user's phone.
  • year_of_birth text This is the user's year of birth.
  • zip number This is the user's address zip code.

Option Sets

Tip: Option sets define a static list of choices for use in dropdowns, pop-ups, etc. Options inside the sets have at least a text display, but they can have additional attributes defined in the Data tab. To learn more, see Bubble Manual.
Below you can find the list of option set attributes and options.


This option set either blocks or allows full editing capabilities throughout the template.
It comes with one field:
  • admin yes / no Blocks or allows full editing capabilities throughout the template.
    • The options for this set are:
  • access_rights Blocks or allows full editing capabilities throughout the template.

Header Menu

This option set is used for the mobile version of this template.
It comes with a single attribute:
  • Case text Used to hide/display the mobile element buttons.
    • The options for this set are:
  • Profile The option for Profile button.
  • Admin The option for Admin button.
  • All stores The option for All stores button.
  • Log out The option for Log out button.
  • Demo Admin The option for Demo Admin button.
  • Sign Up The option for Sign Up button.


This option set is used on index page to show a review.
  • body text The body text of a review.
  • image image The image of a review.
  • name text The name of a review.
    • The options for this set are:
  • Costco The Costco option.
  • Pablix The Pablix option.
  • Tesco The Tesco option.
  • Wolmart The Wolmart option.


This option set is used for company logos on index
  • image image The actual image logo.
    • The options for this set are:
  • 1 The 1st company logo.
  • 2 The 2nd company logo.
  • 3 The 3rd company logo.
  • 4 The 4th company logo.
  • 5 The 5th company logo.
  • 6 The 6th company logo.
  • 7 The 7th company logo.
  • 8 The 8th company logo.


This option set is used to list all the available months with their abbreviations.
Abbreviation text The abbreviation for all months. E.g. "Jan" instead of "January.
The options for this set are:
  • January The option for Jan.
  • February The option for Feb.
  • March The option for Mar.
  • April The option for Apr.
  • May The option for May.
  • June The option for Jun.
  • July The option for Jul.
  • August The option for Aug.
  • September The option for Sep.
  • October The option for Oct.
  • November The option for Nov.
  • December The option for Dec.

Price Sorting

This option set is used for price sorting on the store page.
  • Descending yes / no The sorting type.
  • Sorting text The field in the database by which to sort.
    • The options for this set are:
  • Sort by price Sorting by price. It is descending.
  • From high to low Sorting from high -> low. It is descending.
  • From low to high Sorting from low -> high. It is not descending.

Sorting Customers

This option set is used for Customers sorting on dashboard page.
  • Descending yes / no The sorting type.
  • Sorting text The field in the database by which to sort.
    • The options for this set are:
  • Sort by default Sorting by Modified Date. It is descending.
  • Sort by name: a-z Sorting by name. It is not descending.
  • Sort by name: z-a Sorting by name. It is descending.

Sorting Items

This option set is used for Items sorting on dashboard page.
  • Descending yes / no The sorting type.
  • Sorting text The field in the database by which to sort.
    • The options for this set are:
  • Sort by default The default sorting. It is descending.
  • Sort by name: a-z Sorting by name. It is not descending.
  • Sort by name: z-a Sorting by name. It is descending.
  • New ones first Sorting by Created Date. It is descending.

Tab Menu Admin

This option set is used for the navigation tab on dashboard page.
  • icon image This is the actual icon.
  • iconActive image This is the icon when clicked. It changes the color.
  • iconHover image This is the icon when hovered. It changes the color.
  • param text This is the parameter received from URL on tab click.
The options for this set are:
  • Dashboard This is the option for Dashboard tab.
  • Stores This is the option for Stores tab.
  • Orders This is the option for Orders tab.
  • Customers This is the option for Customers tab.


This option set is used for delivery time windows.
  • end number This attribute stores the end of delivery time window.
  • start number This attribute stores the start of delivery time window.
The options for this set are:
  • 10:00 - 12:00 This option is for 10:00 - 12:00 time window.
  • 12:00 - 14:00 This option is for 12:00 - 14:00 time window.
  • 14:00 - 16:00 This option is for 14:00 - 16:00 time window.
  • 16:00 - 18:00 This option is for 16:00 - 18:00 time window.
Tip: To find the pages where the options sets are used, use the App Search Tool within the editor.
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Embedded Notes in Bubble Editor

This template comes with explicit Notes for Database fields, Option sets and their fields, and Privacy rules, which will guide you through the modification process. In order to preview a Note of any data type or field, click on the 💬 icon.
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Note: The data type has a privacy rule applied. See the 💬 in the database under the privacy section for details.