This section states the purpose of each reusable element.
Reusable Element - an element that contains other elements, like a group, that can be used in more than one place. This is useful when reusing the same elements often.
Tip: See Bubble Reference for details 🙂
Reusable Elements
Call to action
This is a designed banner that contains a call to action message and button, which can be placed on several pages simultaneously.
Footer contains links that will redirect you to either our products, login, dashboard or if you click on reach us, you will be able to contact Bufferly's admin.
This is Bufferly's header that is placed on most if not all the pages. It contains 5 different links to the about, products, pricing, resources, and dashboard pages.
It also contains two different groups that are being shown depending on if the user is logged in or out. In case he's logged in, he will see his name, email, and avatar.
Whenever a user clicks on either of these a menu will show two options if you're a regular user, and three if you're the admin.
If you are not logged in, the platform will show you two buttons offering you the possibility to redirect to the info about the platform or login to the platform.
It also contains a group mobile that will be shown if you're navigating on an iPad or a mobile phone. This is done so that we can nest all the header links into a burger menu.
This is a reusable element that contains within itself logos of companies your platform worked with. You can edit and place this banner on either of your pages for advertising purposes.