This section states the purpose of each reusable element.


Reusable Element - an element that contains other elements, like a group, that can be used in more than one place. This is useful when reusing the same elements often.

Reusable Elements


This reusable element is used to peform the platform actions of job tasks to make default, edit or delete them.
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This reusable element is used to perform the card actions to make default or delete them.
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This reusable element is used to request support for the tasks.
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This reusable element is used to open the settings menu of the platform to log the user out of the session.
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This reusable element is used to delete the user by admins in case such users posses the admin rights.
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This reusable element is used for sending tickets on the platform - here users can write messages with attach files if needed.
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This reusable element is used as a sidebar menu on the left side that opens to display the user's profile image and name to go to the profile page, as well as a quick log out button for necessity.
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This reusable element is used for tasks created on the platform where it is possible to preview all the taks information like created by, assigned to, all the files attached, comments, etc.
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This reusable element is the header element of the platform, used for the mobile view as well. It contains the app logo, and menu buttons like notifications and settings.
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This reusable element is used for dislpaying the tasks overall information for repeating groups in the manager's requests for example.
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This reusable element is used for adding new tasks or leaving the session, meaning logging out from the app if you are viewing it from a mobile device.
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This reusable element is used to display the pricing options available in this app to be able to use the platform features.
The available plans are Basic (Free) and Pro ($100 per month).
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The subscription is based on the price ID of the subscription product created in the Stripe dashboard, and this ID is specified in the workflows here:
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