Draw Actions

It is the fastest, easiest and most convenient way to upload images to the board.
  1. You need to use “Draw Image” action to this event and you need to give an image source. That’s why I put a picture uploader and a button to this page but you don’t have to this. You can directly enter the image’s source URL into the “Draw Image” action.
    1. Image without caption
  1. After clicking on the “Upload” button I’d like to draw an image to the board. And there are 2 options for me. The image can drawn center of the board or you can define the X and Y positions. For now, I am using the second one.
    1. Image without caption
  1. The image source URL is from the Picture Uploader A, and the X and Y positions’ value are 60.
    1. Image without caption
  1. Previewing the app and upload an image and the result is 👇
    1. Image without caption
That’s all! 🎉