This section states the purpose of each reusable element.


Reusable Element - an element that contains other elements, like a group, that can be used in more than one place. This is useful when reusing the same elements often.

Reusable Elements


This reusable element is used to open the menu to perform more actions - it is a 3-dot image that allows you either to Edit or Delete a question.
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This reusable element is used to type and submit the question's answer.
Tip: It is using the Rich Text Input plugin.
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This reusable element is used to add new questions.
Tip: It is also possible to post it anonymously.
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This reusable element is used to edit a question.
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This reusable element is used as a header, specifically for mobile navigation.
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This reusable element is used as a header but for desktop and tablet views.
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Signup / Login Popup

This is the standard reusable element to signup and login platform users.
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