This section states the purpose of each page.


In this summary, we will describe each page and its content. The Page Element is the fundamental one that contains all the other elements.
Tip: See Bubble Reference for more information about Pages element 🙂



This is the landing page of the Hotel Template. It gives an overview of your hotel while still directing your customers to other pages, most especially the booking page.
The content on the page starts with a hero section, followed by dropdowns with links to other pages, and 6 blocks with descriptive information.
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This page tells your customers about your hotel, its amenities and vision, as well as showcases some hotel views.
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Tip: All page content is a placeholder and can be changed directly on the page.


This page is designed to manage platform data, e.g. Bookings, Rooms, Messages, Services… and others.
Only users with admin rights are able to access this page (in read-only mode), and those users who have access rights can edit or delete anything here.
Here, the admin user can access the following tabs:
  • Bookings - view registered bookings.
  • Rooms - view, edit, and add rooms.
  • Messages - view messages received from users.
  • Services - view, edit, and add services.
  • Subscriptions - list of users that subscribed to the news.
  • Gallery - view, edit, and add gallery items.
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Note: Switching between tabs works by changing elements’ custom states.
Admin: See the instructions on how to grant Admin Rights in your template.


This page enables your customers to book a room or suite and even pay for it using Stripe.
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Each room has a fixed price. This price (inclusive of VAT) is then multiplied by the number of nights the customer wishes to spend at the hotel to give a total fee. Such a fee can either be paid online or at the hotel.
The booking details are then stored in the database and can be retrieved in the dashboard.


This page displays the hotel’s basic information such as an address, phone number, email address, etc.
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There is also a form that your customers can fill out to make a special request or complaint that will be shown in the admin dashboard (Messages tab).


This page displays all images in the gallery data type. Additional gallery items can be added on admin page (Gallery tab).
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This page displays details information about a certain room. All information is stored and sourced from the Rooms data type. Additional room items can be added on admin page (Rooms tab).
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This page displays a grid view of all rooms and suites at your hotel. It displays the price and any additional information you might have about a room or suite.
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This page showcases all the services you render at your hotel.
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Here, users reset their password after accessing the link in the mail.
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This is a page for 404 redirect errors, informing users that the web page they are looking for cannot be found.
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