We only allow conversations to be created within Zuperuser’s eligibility status. Zuperuser choses time periods according to their eligibility. (Your service times depends according to this eligibility time period)
Then users can schedule that time if it’s not already booked by other user.
Availability can be changed from the user dashboard.
Availability can be changed from the user dashboard.
Any user can create a booking with the user he/she wants if their time is matches. A booking can be create from related user’s profile with choosing date & time. 👇
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Your payment goes to related Zuperuser after the app meeting commission rate cuts. (Commission rate specified by admin)
Stripe integration for payment.
Stripe integration for payment.
After you paid the price (if there is one) you get the email which contains booking details.
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After booking request has been made:
Zuperuser can apply the booking
Zuperuser can decline the booking with or without any reason.
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