This section states the purpose of each page.


In this summary, we will describe each page and its content. The Page Element is the fundamental one that contains all the other elements.
Tip: See Bubble Reference for more information about Pages element 🙂



This is the main page typically encountered first on the web app that usually contains links to the other pages of the site. A homepage includes a variety of menus that make it easy for users to find the information they need.
This page consists of 5 sections:
  • Hero section - the button on the hero section contains a find tour button; which takes you to the tours page.
  • Tour packages - it displays 3 available tours with short descriptions, below having a button to see more on the tour page.
  • Why Choose Us - display a brief summary of the reason why our company is a better choice.
  • What Our Clients Say - this is a testimonial section. This is a part that shows what clients have said, it has dynamically loaded information from the testimonial and you access it by clicking on the photos of the client.
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The last section on the home page is the footer section which has a quick intro of the company, quick links, social media profile of the company, and contact information of the company.

about us

This is a page that shows all you need to know about the company. It contains a full about us section with pictures that show what the travel is all about.
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It also contains an “Our Team” section that shows you our able-bodied workers and their contact information.


This page is designed to manage platform data, e.g. Web Site details, Tours, Team… and others.
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Note: Switching between tabs works by changing elements’ custom states.
Admin: See the instructions on how to grant Admin Rights in your template.


This page’s name speaks for itself. It is the page where your clients will get in touch with you or where they could find details about your company’s location.
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To set the address in the map element, be sure to indicate the correct address in the Country data type, Location field:
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This page covers all the countries available for visit and their prices, it also has a hero section that can accommodate headers and details.
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A grid of all the destinations is also displayed here and each country/destination contains the country name, little details, price of the trip. Also, each country has a button to view more details on the country's offers.


This page starts out with the hero section that contains a picture of the country, and the name of the country and also contains a "book destination" button that opens up the pop-up to reserve bookings and send messages.
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The body shows the full detail of the country, pictures, and interesting places to visit whilst in the country, and also tells a brief history of the country.


This page starts out with the hero section which contains a general picture of the tour and title.
The tour profile contains the name of the tour, the price, how long the tour will last, and the tour's quantity, it has a button "book tour" that opens the pop-up to reserve bookings and send the message.
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Once the tour quantity is depleted, the "book tour" button will change to "sold out" condition which will make the button unclickable.
The body shows full detail of the tour, pictures, and a map of the location.


This page starts out with a hero section that takes a background picture, header, and tour text.
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Next is the full body which contains a list of the tours accompanied by a button that takes you to the specific profile page of the tour.


Here, users reset their password after accessing the link in the mail.
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This is a page for 404 redirect errors, informing users that the web page they are looking for cannot be found.
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