This section’s purpose is to notify template owners who purchased it of any changes made to the template or documentation.

Update: 25 July 2022

UPDATE NOTE: This template received a complete overhaul of design as well as functionality. Most of the known bugs and issues have been fixed and new features added.
  • 🔄 Template's design reworked
  • 🎉 New template documentation
  • 🔧 Added "Setup Guide" section
  • ❔ Added "FAQs" section
  • ✅ Added "Release Notes" section
  • 🎬 Added "Video Overview" section
Note: Block updates don’t apply to the apps which were built on the template prior to updates becoming available.
Tip: To check changes in workflows and design, you can create a new block copy and compare the settings (design/workflow) of the new copy and the app you have. So you don't have to "move" your customizations from your already edited template to the new block copy.