This section states the purpose of each reusable element.


Reusable Element - an element that contains other elements, like a group, that can be used in more than one place. This is useful when reusing the same elements often.

Reusable Elements

Context-menu (Members)

This reusable element allows the admin to make a user an admin or to block a user.
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Context-menu (Notifications)

This reusable element allows the user to mark as read a notification, unfollow a post or delete a notification.
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Context-menu (Post)

This reusable element allows the user to follow/unfollow a post, report a post, edit a post or delete an own post.
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Context-menu (Profile)

This reusable element allows the user to navigate around "my profile, edit profile, notifications, authentication, dashboard" or sign out.
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Global Delete

This reusable element allows the user to delete an entry.
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Header Desktop

This reusable element is header of the app.
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Header Mobile

This reusable element is the header of the app.
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This reusable element has a list of current user's conversations.
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This reusable element has a list of current user notifications.
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The reusable item allows to get more information from new users.
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Profile Photo

This reusable element holds the current user's profile photo
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Shape Online

This reusable element holds the green dot that indicates the user's online status.
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Signup/Login Popup

This reusable element allows them to user signup or log in.
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