This section states the purpose of each page.


In this summary, we will describe each page and its content. The Page Element is the fundamental one that contains all the other elements.
Tip: See Bubble Reference for more information about Pages element πŸ™‚


Note: Switching between tabs works by changing elements’ custom states.


Index page is the welcome page of the application. You can customize it according to your own users.
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All images and texts are displayed for demonstrational purposes and can be changed directly on the page.


Users can browse through the spaces, create a new post, see other users' posts and like and comment on them.
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Members can update their information, change the settings for the notifications they want to receive, or change their login information.
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  • Admins can make other members an administrator, blocking them from accessing the application.
  • Admins can create, edit, and delete main spaces and spaces.
  • Admins can assign users to spaces and remove a user from spaces. (All at once or the ones you specify)
  • Admins can review statistics for categories, posts, comments, likes, and direct messages.
  • Admins can send emails to specific users or to all users.
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Reset Password

This page allows Users to reset their password in case they've forgotten it. After a User requests a password reset link be emailed to them, the link in that email will navigate them to this page.
On this page, the User will type and confirm their new password.
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This is a page for 404 redirect errors, informing users that the web page they are looking for cannot be found.
Page returns an error when a server cannot find the requested page, which means that either the page has been removed or moved and the URL was not changed accordingly, or that the user typed in the URL incorrectly.
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